quarta-feira, julho 26, 2006

Observadores da ONU também são alvo militar

Four peacekeepers killed in IAF strike on UN base

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan had earlier called for an inquery into what he called Israel's "apparently deliberate targetting" of the UN observer force.The four peacekeepers were killed after a bomb directly impacted the building and shelter of an Indian patrol base from the observer force in the town of Khiyam near the eastern end of the border with Israel, said Milos Struger, spokesman for the U.N. peacekeeping force in Lebanon known as UNIFIL (...) He also said there were 14 other incidents of firing close to this position from the Israeli side Tuesday afternoon. "The firing continued even during the rescue operation," he said.

(Fonte: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/742561.html )

Para o seguidismo acéfalo dos USA e de Israel, por parte de alguns bloguers lusitanos (ou tugas como agora se diz) como o Pacheco Pereira, o Paulo Gorjão e a malta do Insurgente e do Blasfémias estes seriam concerteza perigosos terroristas e o convento de freiras bombardeado em Beirute terá sido concerteza um depósito de armas do Hezbollah. Aliás as freiras normalmente usam os conventos para esconder armas.

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